Recommended contact time: Minimum of 6 months (We also recommend tasting regularly).
Useful life: 12 months.
Convection toasting: Light, Medium Medium Plus, French Naturelle Light, French Naturelle Medium, French Naturelle Medium Plus and French Roti.
Size: French Oak 20 sq. ft. unit = 12 staves. Stave size = 3″ x 38″ x 3/8″ (7.6 x 96.5 x 0.9 cm) – Approx
Surface area and displacement: 20 sq. ft. assembly (1.85 m²) displaces 2 gal. (7.6 L).
Size: French Oak 40 sq. ft. unit = 23 staves. Stave size = 3″ x 38″ x 3/8″ (7.6 x 96.5 x 0.9 cm) – Approx
Surface area and displacement: 40 sq. ft. assembly (3.71 m²) displaces 4 gal. (15.1 L).
Size: French Oak Fire Toast 20 sq. ft. unit = 16 staves. Stave size = 1.9″x 37.8” x 0.39″ (5 cm x 96 cm x 1 cm) – Approx
Surface area and displacement: 20 sq. ft. assembly (1.85 m²) displaces 2 gal. (7.6 L). – Approx
Size: French Oak 40 sq. ft. unit = 32 staves. Stave size = 1.9″x 37.8 “ x 0.39″ (5 cm x 96 cm x 1 cm) – Approx
Surface area and displacement: 40 sq. ft. assembly (3.71 m²) displaces 4 gal. (15.1 L).
Seasoning: French Oak: Minimum of 24 months.
Quality Control:
HACCP Management: XTRACHÊNE facilities apply HACCP processes.
Testing is done for Haloanisole and Halophenol compounds and Lindane.
Traceability: Traceability is guaranteed for each product, and each product is labeled with a unique lot number.
Packaging: Food grade plastic bag, shipped in a cardboard box.
Conditions for storage: Store in a dry, clean area away from direct sunlight and chemicals.